About BefAcademy

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Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon
Why BEF-VTI Academy BEF-VTI Academy provides cutting edge Intensive Language Courses, Computer Graphics & IT, Business Studies, Arts & Cinematography training with affordable prices to prepare the future workforce of the IT, Business, the Stage world and the Cinematographic industry! We offer beginners with no background quality training that can be applied to leading companies in a matter of 3, 6 or 9 months. The training is sanctioned by a Certificate of Completion of Vocational Qualification Training issued by the State and a Certificate of Completion of Training issued by the Institute. OUR TARGET AUDIENCE are Students, job seekers, workers, etc. And Back to School Every Month! We Are Location At: Carrefour Superette, Biyem-Assi / B.P 30772, Yaounde, Cameroon. Tel : 222 31 03 83/ 242 14 48 48 / 677 53 42 47 / 699 20 98 77 / GSM/WhatsApp: 655 22 71 44 Email: kkbonteh@gmail.com Webpage: http://www.gicacesglobal.com

Tuesday, May 10, 2022




#Advertise Your Business & That Of Others & Earn Fabulous Sums Of Money Per Day.

#Digital Animation is Graphic Design Plus Digital Marketing Plus Audio-Visual Mounting Par Excellence! Register Now! And Benefit From 50% Reduction!

#Choose Campus or Online Course & We're There For You.

NB: You Do Not Need Any Computer Skills To Enroll.

#Tuition: 300 000Fcfa But You Will Pay Only 150 000Fcfa i.e. 50% off!

#LifeTime Benefit Of Studying Digital Animation: You Will Be Offered A LifeTime BefAcademy Software On Digital Animation Worth 50K For Free.

#With This Very Expensive But Free Software, You Will Propose High Income Generating Advertising Business For Companies & Institutions!

#With This Rare Software, You Will Equally Make Business And Big Income For YourSelf (At Least 10K Per Day, Despite Your Profession) With An Advertising Video Of Less Than A Minute?

#Register Now And Your Career Vision And Ambition Will Never Be The Same.

#NB: You Do Not Need To Be A Computer Wizard To Enroll For This Course. Enthusiasm is The Entry Ticket So Long As You Can Read & Write.

#What Are You Waiting For? Register Now And Expect An 100% Money Back  Guarantee If You Are Not Satisfied.

#Our Certificates Are Accreditated By The Ministry Of Employment & Vocational Training.

#At BefAcademy, We Believe That In The Absence Of Meaningful Employment, Our Trainees Can Create Employment For Themselves.

#This Has Been Proven Over The Years In The Other Fields We Offer Such As: Intensive Language Courses, Office Automation & SecretaryShip, Business Management, Arts & Cinematography.

#Our Language Courses Begin Every Monday; And Our Diploma Courses Begin Every Month With Limited Places.

#Register Now & Choose Your Course Start Date And Time: Morning, Afternoon Or Evening Session!

#For More Information, Report In Person At Our Campus At BefAcademy At Carrefour Superette, Montee Maison Blanche, Biyem-Assi, Yaounde.

#Feel Free To Contact Us By Calling: 222 31 03 83 / 242 14 48 48 / 677 53 42 47 / 699 20 98 77 AnyTime.

#Or Chat With Us On WhtatsApp: +237 655 22 71 44 @ AnyTime!

#We Are Here For More Than Two Decades Because You Are There! Join Us And Become The Winners!

#Our Certificates Are Sanctioned By The Ministry Of Employment & Vocational Training.

#We Offer The Cheapest And The Most Efficient National & International Certification Courses Such As BEPC, PROB, BACC, SBEP, GCE, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, SAT, GRE, GMAT, ZDAF, TCF, & TEF-Canada.

#Why Not Visit Our WebPage @: www.gicacesglobal.com

Study Abroad in the UK!


Study Abroad in the UK!

Student visa replaces Tier 4      
New rules will benefit our students

As you may already know, UKVI have launched the new immigration route for students to replace the old Tier 4 visa. The new route is designed to be easier for applicants to understand the rules and to submit their application. This is great news for our students, who can now enjoy a number of benefits, including an easier application process.

Students previously sponsored under the Tier 4 rules will still enjoy the same benefits as those sponsored under the new route.

The reformed visa rules have created a number of fantastic benefits for our students. These include:

·  Students applying from overseas can apply up to 6 months before their course start date

·  All BefAacdemy students can now extend their visa in the UK as long as they meet the requirements

·  BefAacdemy students can work 10 hours per week (20 hours for IYO students)

·  Students who have been in the UK for 12 months do not need to submit financial evidence when applying in the UK

·  Students who have proven their English Language level in a previous application do not need to do so again

·  IYO students can use an alternative non-SELT English test if they are at B2 in all skills

·  Students are exempt from English language requirement if they have a GCSE, A-Level, or Scottish equivalent, in English Language or English Literature

·  The new Graduate route will allow students to stay for up to 2 years to find work after they finish their degree course

·  EU nationals who apply using the Student route will not need to provide any documents or send their passport to a visa centre

Streamlined application process and clearer language for international students.

These changes will help make our students’ experience both easier and more enriching, and should help students choose to study abroad in the UK!

Of course, changes in the system also mean changes in terminology. Make sure you know what’s what!

Tier 4 General visa
Student visa
Tier 4 Child Visa
Child Student visa
Tier 4 Sponsor
Student Sponsor
Leave to enter
Permission to enter
Leave to remain
Permission to stay
Maintenance requirement
Finance requirement

For more details on document requirements and how to apply for a Student visa, please CCall or WhatsAPP Us @ 655 22 71 44.

If you have any further questions about the new Student visa, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

BefAcademy Immigration Services


Mission & Vision of BefAcademy




Bef Vocational Training Institute (BEF-VTI) or BefAcdemy is a professional training institute hosted by the Bonteh Education Foundation (BEF).

The fundamental purpose of BefAcdemy is to train young Cameroonians for the duties and responsibilities of professional life and to help place them in positions which hold ample opportunities for career advancement. The Institute attempts to instill in trainees the desire to take initiatives in directing their professional lives and the ability to adapt effectively to the challenges and demands of the local and international job markets. Our aim is to equip Cameroonians of all ages, irrespective of their academic profile, with the resources, curriculum, and competencies that stimulate and prepare them for success in well-defined fields of employment and eventually for job creation.

This project falls within the framework of the national campaign for poverty alleviation pursued by the state through the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training (MINEFOP).

 As a professional studies Institute, the  Institute of Languages, Arts and Professional Studies (BefAcdemy), is committed in the following:

  • Training all categories of learners for a specific career or trade. Our professional training programs focus on practical applications of skills learned, and is generally unconcerned with theory or traditional academic skills. A large part of the program is hands-on training. We thus provide a link between education and the working world.
  • To train our trainees in such a way that if they are unable to pick up jobs in already existing institutions, they would be able to create their own jobs. We want to tell Cameroonians that Professional studies are the only thing that can take the country out of poverty and unemployment.
  • Inspiring trainees’ interest in new information and communication technologies.
  • Instilling in trainees a sense of self worth and maximizing their competence in the different professional fields.
  • Creating individualized programs to facilitate a targeted, personalized approach to education while stimulating trainees’ appreciation for learning.
  • Transforming instructional practices, offering initiatives that support personalized learning, school culture, professional development and extended learning opportunities for all categories of Cameroonians.

In what concerns the different fields of training in the institute, we target and lay great emphasis on fields that are still very less explored in the Cameroonian socio-economic setup, notably: the domains of performing arts and the cinematographic industry, Media and the study and development of Modern ICTs, Engineering and special Education. Our graduates, equipped with all these respective competences will find it very easy to integrate the job market and even become job creators for their peers.

BefAcdemyalso has a huge inclination for Languages; national and international. Mindful of the importance of the latter in social, cultural and economic development, we provide specialized language courses that prepare trainees for an easy integration at home and abroad. BefAcdemy also actively participates in the state’s vision for an effective national bilingualism through the promotion of the Special Bilingual Education Program (SBEP). 

Contact BefAcademy

                                                         Bef Vocational Training Institute





Tel: (237) 222.31.O3.83 /   

GSM: 677.53.42.47 / 699.20.98.77

                WhatsApp/Mobile: 655.22.71.44                                                                                                           http://www.gicmtc.com

Learn English at BefAcademy!


Apprenez l'Anglais Avec BefAcademy!

Apprenez de nouvelles compétences ou obtenez des crédits en vue de l'obtention d'un diplôme à votre propre rythme et sans date limite, grâce aux cours gratuits de BefAcademy. Nous nous engageons à éliminer les obstacles à l'éducation et à vous aider à acquérir les compétences essentielles pour atteindre vos objectifs professionnels. Le Bef Vocational Training Institute {BEF-VTI}, par le biais de son programme de langues hébergé par BefAcademy, est une organisation à but non lucratif en plein essor qui offre gratuitement des programmes éducatifs pratiques et axés sur la carrière. Notre objectif principal est de préparer les étudiants et de les rendre aptes à leur développement professionnel.

À la BefAcademy, nous nous consacrons à la création de cours et de programmes positifs qui ouvrent un environnement propice à la carrière et au développement professionnel. La réussite de leur carrière et de leur professionnalisme est notre principal objectif et nous nous engageons à consacrer notre temps, notre énergie et nos ressources pour les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs. Nous respectons beaucoup la décision qu'ils ont prise en se préparant à la carrière qu'ils ont choisie. Et comme ils le savent, une parfaite connaissance de la langue anglaise est la principale porte d'entrée du succès.

Nos programmes les ouvriront à de nouvelles opportunités, car nous ne nous préoccupons pas de l'argent mais de la construction de la nation. Nous sommes prêts à être connectés au niveau mondial en ayant des partenaires qui peuvent nous aider à les aider. Consulter le reste du monde pour répondre à leurs besoins particuliers est un grand pas vers le développement culturel et professionnel. Si le TOEFL/IELTS est un jeu, nous voulons être le meilleur coach du monde.

Commencez à apprendre ici, ou consultez notre catalogue complet de cours. Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour vous inscrire aux cours, suivre vos progrès, accéder aux examens finaux et obtenir un certificat de réussite gratuit ! Rejoignez-nous et devenez des champions! Appelez ou WhatsAPP au : 677 53 42 47 / 655 22 71 44.

*L'équipe de la BefAcademy

Learn English at  BefAcademy!

Learn new skills or earn credit towards a degree at your own pace with no deadlines, using free courses from BefAcademy. We're committed to removing barriers to education and helping you build essential skills to advance your career goals. Bef Vocational Training Institute {BEF-VTI} through its Language Programme hosted by BefAcademy  is a successful growing non-profit organization that offers hands-on, career focused educational programs gratis. Our primary goal is to prepare students and make them fit for their professional development.

At BefAcademy  we are dedicated to creating positive courses and programs that open up the environment suitable for career and professional development. Success in their career and professionalism is our major objective and we pledge our time, energy and resources to see them through their goals. We very much respect the decision they have reached at by preparing for their chosen career. And as they know a perfect knowledge in English Language skills is the main gate to success.

Our programs will open them up to new worlds of opportunities all because we care not for money but for nation building. We are ready to be connected globally by having partners that can help us help them. Consulting the rest of the world to meet their particular need is a great step towards cultural and professional development. If TOEFL/IELTS is a game then we want to be the best coach in the world.

Start learning here, or check out our full course catalogue. Log in or Sign up to enroll in courses, track your progress, gain access to final exams, and get a free certificate of completion! Join us and become champions! Call or WhatsAPP at: 677 53 42 47 / 655 22 71 44.

*BefAcademy Team

Specialized English Courses

 Specialized English Courses

BefAcademy has created Specialized English Courses to suite the many different needs. These English specialty courses cover both specific professional fields and also specific situations where a student may wish to review or improve their English. Just select the course you are interested in from below for more details.

* English for Banks & Finance

* English for Medical Professionals

* English for Tour Guides

* English for Law Enforcement

* English for Pilots

* English for Aviation or Airline Staff

* English for Food & Drink Staff

* English for Speaking on the Phone

* English For Human Resources

* English for Hotel Staff

* English for Cashiers

* Meetings in English

* CV Review & Interview Preparation

* Business Correspondence Course

* Giving Presentations in English

* Negotiations in English

* English for Marketing

* English for Technology


Like with all of our other English courses, these courses are offered on campus and also at home or work place. Make your choice and negotiate your time.




Lovers of Theatre Arts have a huge variety of careers to consider. Creative types might enjoy roles such as directing, playwriting or theatre design, while practical people are needed for jobs such as lighting technician or stage crew member.

-   Actor

-   Director

-   Producer

-   Sound Engineer

-   Lights Engineer

-   Make-up Artist

-   Stand-up Comedian

-   Theatre Manager

-   Musical Artist

-   Film Maker

-   Video Editor

-   Creative/ Script Writer

-   Newspaper Journalist

-   Publicity and Advertising Agent

-   Photographer

-   Graphic Designer

-   Theartre/ Film Consultant

In performing arts you have different specialization like dance, drama, music, etc. According to your course you have core subjects.

Majoring in performing arts involves study that integrates the overlapping fields of drama, music and dance practices. Even when trainees specialize in one of the areas, they will take courses in the other performance arts disciplines as well as taking some general education courses. The performing arts diploma program may include courses in the following subject areas:

·         Music performance

·         Theatre history

·         Dance and culture

·         Musical theatre

·         Dance technique

·         Dramatic literature

Program Description

-         24 weeks of classroom studies, Workshops and evaluations

-         2 months internship

-         1 month of project and defense


  • Voice and Speech Development and Practice
  • Naturalistic Acting
  • Devising Performance
  • Lighting Operations for Live Performance
  • Acting for Microphone
  • Site-specific Performance
  • Acting for Camera
  • Development of Acting Skills
  • Creative Arts Workshop Leadership
  • Theatre Directing
  • Alternative Approaches to Acting
  • Innovative Theatre Performance Work


Creating and directing a project is a difficult undertaking but one that offers great expressive satisfactions. The course is based on the understanding of the film structure, passing from the ideation of the script and from the script to the visual realization of the scenes. The study of the shots, the look of the project, the direction of the actors, and the packaging of the product, are the points on which the biennium is set. The course structure starts with the study of film units up to the narration by genres in the second year. During the two-year period, the productive, organizational, budget and technical aspects are tackled and the writing for the main cinematographic languages is studied in depth, with particular attention to short films and low budget products. The merger of the authorial aspects of writing and technical direction makes the course much more specific and offers complete training that characterizes our graduate students.

Job opportunities

The course trains students in the following roles: director, first and second assistant director, script supervisor, casting director, screenwriter, script reader, and script analyzer and editor.

  • Filming exercises digital and 16mm with given creative limits
  • Documentary portrait on digital
  • A final short film on 3-5mm



Program Description

This introductory Sound engineering course is composed of the first two levels of the diploma in sound engineering.

The first level is an introduction to professional sound technologies and systems. This section takes a closer look at the technologies and systems of the industry; their basic functioning and connections allowing for better understanding of how sound works.

This is the basis for developing the necessary skill set and qualities in becoming a professional sound technician.

The second level goes on to take an in-depth look at the equipment and tools a professional must dominate to succeed be it in a recording studio, live performancemusical production or post-production.

This course has a strong practical focus, making up for 65% of the 120 lecture hours that the course is made up of. On completion, students have the necessary foundation to continue specializing themselves in the field of their interest


·        Audio chain

·        The physics of sound

·        Transducers Microphones: how they work and their classifications.

·        Music software – FRUITY LOOPS STUDIO

·        Mixing consoles Segments and components of a mixing console (auxiliaries, subgroups, inputs, outputs ...etc.).

·        Sound cards and home-studio designs 

·        Recording systems 

·        Digital recording 

·        The physics of sound 

·        Musical Acoustics 

·        Acoustics 

·        Audition and voice 

·        Synchrony and automation 

·        Synthesis and sampling 

·        The sound industry 

·        The recording studio

·         Live performances

·         Post-production and film

·         Recording industry

·         Samples and commercial brands.


Addressed to:

Photographers and students interested in the world of performing and musical arts, who want to learn how to carry out professional work in these areas.
Goals: Learning the photography of performing arts and musical events. Creation of a language of its own.

  • Considerations on the necessary equipment.
  • Common problems (lighting, overcrowding, access, contracts).
  • Work spaces (small rooms, stadiums, large festivals).
  • Interaction with the environment.
  • Preparation and management of the agenda.
  • Preparation and management of a file.
  • Create a personal workflow
  • The decisive moment: shoot / edit.
  • How we value a photo / report. Professional outings.
    Associates:The students carry out practices throughout the course:


·        Production processes of live shows and events

·        Live Entertainment Stage Management

·        Configuration and structure of the stage

·        Relations with the work environment

·        * Understanding Drama

·        * Introduction to Technical Theatre

·        * Introduction to Arts Management

·        * Production Design

·        * Stage Management

·        * Introduction to Lighting

·        * Stagecraft

·        * Interactive Media and Content Development

·        * Production Management

·        * Theatre Production Practice

·        * Venue and Front of House Management

·        * Drafting for Productions

·        * Electrical Fundamentals for Theatre

·        * Marketing

·        * Creative Concepts

·        * Art of Story

·        * Introduction to User Experience

·        * Drawing

·        * Arts History

·        * Creative Enterprise


  • Tools of the trade and product knowledge
  • Cleansing Procedures
  • Hygiene and safety
  • Skin analysis, Face shapes and skin tones.
  • Warming and cooling colours (the colour wheel)
  • Colour-Correcting and concealing
  • Correct application and choice of foundation
  • Highlighting, Shading and blushers Technics
  • Achieving perfect lips
  • Application and blending of Eye makeup (Colour Wash, Block Eye, Smokey Eye and Socket Line)
  • Application of Eyeliners (Liquid, Cake, Gel, Crayon and Kohl)
  • Eyebrow Shaping
  • The application of false eyelashes both individual and strip
  • Building your make-up kit
  • Consolation techniques Trial
  • Individual lashes
  • Primers and Setting sprays
  • Total look with a veil
  • Business and self-marketing



·        Cinematography Course Introduction

·        Cinema equipment

·        The Camera Atlas: Truly Understanding Your Camera

·        Exposure in Cinematography

·        Shot Composition for Better Cinematography

·        Movement: How to Move With Purpose

·        Lighting 101

·        Location Scouting

·        Production stages


Instruction Methodology:

-         Tutorials

-         Workshops

-         Professional Immersion (Internship)


-         Assignments

-         Presentations

-         Tests

-         End of Semester exams

-         Internship Report

Trainees will have to complete the recommended assignments, test and exams.

The assignments are designed to help through learning to make sure that they completely understand all the topics covered and that they can apply this to their working environment.

Trainees will also be expected to come up with a business project which they will defend at the end of their training.

Certificate or Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development [DED]

  Certificate or Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development [DED]   Duration 2-4 Months/1 Years Level Graduation ...

Ambition Begins With BefAcademy